Cibertortura e bullying eletrônico no local cibertortura y acoso electronico en el lugar de los hechos Jasher e eu conversamos hoje, que cavalheiro adorável. Jasher foi alvo por cerca de 8 anos ou mais. Como muitos membros da Targeted Individual Community, tudo o que ele tentou fazer deu errado. Felizmente, apesar de tudo o que ele passou, seu casamento sobreviveu e espero que seja para sempre. Jasher é um carpinteiro desempregado, atualmente morando com sua esposa no Arizona, ambos estão se mudando por motivos que às vezes são inexplicáveis. Muitas felicidades para Jasher e sua esposa, junto com seu irmão, que também é um Indivíduo Alvo, paz e amor a todos. Tive o prazer absoluto de conversar com Jasher no Arizona hoje, tivemos um bom papo I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with Jasher in Arizona today, we had a good catch up
Armas Cibernetica SP Jasher and I caught upi today, what a lovely gentleman. Jasher has been targeted for around 8 years or so. Like a lot of the Targeted Individual Community, everything he tried to do went wrong. Thankfully all through everything he has been through, his marriage has survived, and hopefully it will eternally. Jasher is an unemployed carpenter, currently living with his wife in Arizona, they've both been on the move for reasons that are unexplainable at times. Best wishes to Jasher and his wife, along with his brother who is also a Targeted Individual, peace and love to all. Fonte video youtube canal Targeted Individuals United pablo gilberto vega
Armas Cibernetica SP Jasher and I caught upi today, what a lovely gentleman. Jasher has been targeted for around 8 years or so. Like a lot of the Targeted Individual Community, everything he tried to do went wrong. Thankfully all through everything he has been through, his marriage has survived, and hopefully it will eternally. Jasher is an unemployed carpenter, currently living with his wife in Arizona, they've both been on the move for reasons that are unexplainable at times. Best wishes to Jasher and his wife, along with his brother who is also a Targeted Individual, peace and love to all. Fonte video youtube canal Targeted Individuals United pablo gilberto vega
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